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Structural Monitoring During the
Kemper Arena Project

When the Big 8 conference changed to the Big 12, the NCAA required Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO, to increase its seating capacity in order to retain the March Madness Basketball playoff. The roof of Kemper Arena is supported by three large trusses. The end of the middle truss had to be removed in order to add the seating. A new jib was constructed at the end of the truss. Structural Integrity Systems, LLC, working for American Bridge and Terracon, Inc., monitored the transfer of the roof load from the old truss to the new jib. In the photo on the left, the load has been transferred and the "first cut" is being made at the top of truss in order to remove it. The load transducers, especially designed for this project, can be seen at the bottom of the vertical supports. The data was gathered real time and transmitted to a central computer on site via telemetry.





The graph shows the decompression of the vertical supports as the load (in KIPS) was lifted off the old truss and transferred to the new jib. At 15:50 GMT, the engineer from Structural Integrity Systems, LLC, determined the load had been transferred. The jacking was stopped and the truss was cut free.



Sundial Bridge   California
Rolling Bascule   Florida
Royal Park Bridge   Florida
South Broadway Overpass   Kansas
US 24 Pottawatomie County   Kansas
Shawnee County Bridge   Kansas
Kemper Arena Construction   Missouri

Please call and talk to us concerning the monitoring of bridges, buildings or other structures.
Thank you for visiting our web site.

Monica L. Svaty
Chief Executive Officer

Karl J. Svaty, Jr., PE, SE

FAX: 316.744.8284


U.S. Patent No. 5,421,204
U.S. Patent No. 5,507,188
Canadian Patent No. 2,163,653


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